When To Make An Emergency Appointment

Advice on what to do in the case of a dental emergency in Bedford.
However well we look after our teeth, there is always the possibility of damage being caused accidentally, such as via a fall or blow to the face. When this happens, it is essential that prompt treatment is received.
At The Dental Centre Bedford, we will always try to see patients who ring for an emergency appointment on the same day. If the call comes too late for an appointment to be made for that day, we will offer advice to help you be as comfortable as possible until we are able to see you.
By treating a damaged tooth promptly, we aim to avoid further damage and minimise any pain that you might be feeling.
Is it urgent?
It is not unusual to treat a patient who has told us that their tooth had cracked a while ago but they didn’t think it was important enough and simply waited until their next appointment. There is little doubt that, for some people, the definition of a dental emergency applies only if there is severe damage or they are in significant discomfort. Whilst these are obvious signs of a dental problem, even minor problems can be classed as needing fairly urgent attention.
If a tooth cracks, for example, it may still appear OK, cause no discomfort and you can still bite with it. The fact is though, that the tooth now has a crack in it and this means that a) it is weaker and therefore prone to further breakage and b) that bacteria can enter even the tiniest of cracks and lead to dental decay.
If you call our Bedford dental practice for an emergency appointment, our receptionist will ask you a few details about the problem. Where someone is in severe pain, we will try to prioritise these appointments over more minor ones. Our receptionists will also be able to offer basic advice on how to look after the problem until you can see a dentist. In more complicated cases, they may consult with a dentist and call you back with their advice.
The key to seeing a dentist as soon as possible is not to delay. If you notice a problem, please call us as early in the morning as you can. If the problem is a result of a serious incident, such as a car accident, we would advise that you first attend the A&E of your nearest hospital to rule out any other injuries. Once you have been checked, your next step should be to call us right away.
If you have a problem that requires urgent attention, please call The Dental Centre Bedford on 01234 819868 and ask for an emergency appointment.