Dental Pain Advice For Bedford Patients

Whether minor or severe, dental pain should never be ignored.
Sometimes, when a patient comes to our Bedford dentists for their six monthly examination, they tell us that they have had a problem with one of their teeth for some time but it didn’t bother them enough to bring an appointment forward.
This may mean that, although the patient wasn’t actually suffering from bad toothache, the discomfort was a symptom of an underlying problem, for example the early stages of decay. Almost inevitably, this will mean that a larger filling is needed than would have been the case if a dental appointment had been made when the problem started.
Early warnings
The reality is that if you have any discomfort in a tooth, the chances are that there is an underlying issue that needs attention. As we know, whether dental or generally medical, early treatment means less invasive treatment than if the problem is ignored. Even minor discomfort should not be ignored as sometimes this can flare up suddenly and much more severe pain occur. A case in point is root canal infection where a relatively minor discomfort can turn to intense pain very quickly as an abscess forms.
Emergency appointments
At The Dental Centre Bedford, we always encourage patients to contact us with any dental problem, however minor they feel it might be. We will always endeavour to see a patient on the same day wherever possible, or, where it is not possible, we will offer advice on how to minimise the discomfort until an appointment can be made. Naturally, we will try to prioritise severe cases and, if you are experiencing severe toothache, please do make sure that our receptionist is aware of this so that we can try to fit you in with one of our dentists as quickly as possible.
If you do need an emergency dentist in Bedford, please try to contact us as soon in the day as you possibly can. The earlier you contact us, the better chance there is of being seen quickly. We can be contacted on 01234 819868 where our reception team is waiting to assist.
Don’t delay
Above all, please don’t put off making an appointment. Dental problems never get better on their own and will always benefit from professional advice, and early treatment. A small area of dental decay will get bigger and could possibly even result in the need for an extraction if ignored for a long time. Even a small crack in a tooth can allow bacteria to enter and cause decay, potentially leading to a root canal infection.
Of course, with good personal care, dental hygienist visits and your usual six monthly appointment, we hope that situations such as the above can be avoided, but, in the event that any problem does arise unexpectedly, The Dental Centre Bedford team are here to treat you quickly to resolve the problem.