Root Canal Treatment

Taking appropriate care after your procedure
As we have mentioned in previous blogs, there is little to be concerned about if you are due to have a root canal procedure and please rest assured that any scare stories you may have heard are untrue.
In today’s blog, we want to take a look at another important aspect of this treatment i.e. how to look after the tooth once the procedure has been completed by our Bedfordshire endodontist.
General Cleaning
Although the new dental crown will cover your tooth following this procedure, it does not mean that you do not need to brush and floss in this area as you would the rest of your mouth. The crown depends on the remains of the underlying natural tooth for its security, and if this becomes damaged or decayed, the crown may become weakened and possibly even detached. Therefore you should always make sure to brush and floss your treated tooth help to avoid decay and gum disease.
Taking care when biting
When you have the root canal procedure at The Dental Centre Bedford, the infected pulp material inside the tooth is removed and the internal canals filled with gutta percha, a special type of filling used for this purpose. Within this pulp are the nerves that give your teeth sensation. Whilst their absence does mean that tooth pain is not possible, it does also mean that it can be difficult to judge how hard you are biting down on something. As a root canal treated tooth is not quite as strong as a natural healthy tooth, albeit sufficiently so for everyday use, it is advisable to avoid using this tooth to bite down too firmly onto hard food or objects. Try to avoid using the tooth for this purpose as far as is practically possible.
Whilst it is rare for crowns to become detached, this can occasionally happen. Usually this occurs, if it does at all, towards the end of the natural lifespan of the crown; typically around ten years but often longer. The dental cement used to attach the crown can weaken over time and cause the crown to detach.
In the unlikely event that this does happen, please do not attempt to reattach it yourself. Some patients have, in the past, used a ‘superglue’ type of product to do this, thinking it will be secure. Unfortunately, the chemicals in these products are highly likely to damage the teeth and make the problem much worse. Please don’t try this!
If your crown does become detached, please call the receptionists at your popular Bedford dentists who will arrange a prompt appointment to have it reattached. You can call The Dental Centre Bedford during working hours on 01234 819868.