A Niggling Dental Problem – What To Do?

Our Bedford dentists discuss what to do when a dental problem seems minor.
If we break off a section of a tooth, or we wake up in the middle of the night in severe pain with a toothache, it is obvious that we need to take prompt action. Even very nervous dental patients are likely to act quickly when in pain, making an emergency dental appointment in order to be free of it.
What should a patient do though, if they are not actually in pain but perhaps have some minor symptoms such as a mild ache, or a little soreness near a tooth, but one which they barely notice when distracted by other things?
General dental appointments
Whilst there is no need to make an emergency dental appointment at The Dental Centre Bedford, for this type of problem, it is still advisable to see us as soon as you can. If you are noticing symptoms which are not usually there, then there is every likelihood that it will eventually become worse. It really doesn’t make sense to delay in taking action. Some patients feel that they don’t wish to ‘bother’ the dentist with something trivial, but that is what we are here for. What may start out as a ‘trivial’ problem, may eventually result in extensive dental work being needed to save the tooth if the problem is ignored.
By contacting us at the first sign of a problem, we may be able to treat the tooth in a minor way, such as a filling. Gum problems can also often be reversed by better home oral care too, providing that they are not left to develop.
There is also the possibility that it is nothing more than a piece of food that has become trapped and is not being removed by brushing. This would obviously be good news for the patient and can be easily removed by us. Even something as minor as this though, can lead to problems as it decays and breaks down into acids that attack the tooth, causing tooth decay.
Regular dental care
We should reiterate that taking care of your teeth by brushing and flossing, as well as maintaining your regular six monthly check ups at your Bedford dentist should help you to avoid most dental problems. Even with the best care though, teeth can chip or crack through chewing or perhaps accidents, so you should not presume that you will always be problem free. If you do experience problems, however small, our advice would be don’t ignore it but call us for an appointment so that we can check, and if necessary, treat your teeth and put your mind at rest.
To make a general dental appointment at our Bedford clinic, please call us during surgery hours on 01234 819868.