Your Dental Care Plan For The New Year

Keeping your teeth healthy and looking great in 2020!

Caring for teethWe will soon be coming to the close of yet another year, and one that has probably been challenging for many of us. There has certainly been plenty going on that will have caused a few of us to grind our teeth in frustration, hopefully without causing any damage!

Soon, we will be looking forward to the start of a new year, possibly setting targets and making resolutions to change certain aspects of our lives.

As we are in the business of family dental care, our Bedford dentists decided to take this opportunity to look at some of the opportunities for our patients to have healthier and nicer looking teeth in the new year ahead.

New year, new toothbrush!

A good place to start improving our oral health is to make sure that our toothbrush is good enough. For those of you still using a manual toothbrush, we recommend that you switch to an electric one. These are more efficient and are especially good for those with mobility issues and for younger children too.

Whether you currently use a manual or electric toothbrush though, do make sure that the bristles are in good condition. You should change your brush or brush head at least every three months or risk a build up of bacteria on the teeth and gums.

Learn to floss

We hear a lot of patients say that they can’t floss. The truth is that most of us can; it just takes a little practice. Dental floss is cheap and is a great way of removing food that has become trapped between the teeth and in the gum pockets. Buy a packet of floss and watch a reputable video that shows you how. If you still get stuck, please do ask a dentist or hygienist at The Dental Centre Bedford to show you how to do it correctly. This simple addition to your daily routine will further improve your oral health.

Check your appointments

Have you got a check up booked yet? If you are not sure, now is the time to check. If you find that you haven’t, please give us a call so that we can arrange one for you. We also strongly recommend that you make one to see the hygienist too. This is sometimes considered to be an optional extra but it really shouldn’t be if you want to keep your teeth healthy. A scale and polish by the hygienist is a great way to remove hardened bacteria and minerals (tartar) from the teeth and gum line. Failure to do so may lead to gum disease.

If you do all of the above and take reasonable care of what you eat and drink, you will have given yourself a good start to having a healthy mouth in the new year. What about those who also want their teeth to look nicer too though, what are their options?

Frustrated by dentures

If you have had dentures for some time, you may have found it frustrating and irritating having to constantly remove them for cleaning. Add to that, the fact that they aren’t always great when it comes to eating certain foods. This may be the reason why it isn’t unusual for patients with dentures to eventually stop wearing them, especially when the missing tooth isn’t obviously visible.

If you have dentures that are uncomfortable or even if you have left a gap in your teeth, the start of a new year might be a good time for you to consider dental implants as an alternative option. Although this does require a minor surgical procedure, it is a one off one and the results can last you for twenty years or more with good care. We do understand that this particular treatment requires a financial outlay and is often not fully understood by some. For this reason, we offer a free non treatment dental implant consultation for patients of The Dental Centre Bedford. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about implants and to discuss if you are a suitable candidate.

Whiter teeth for 2020?

One of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments available is the teeth whitening procedure. The idea of having whiter teeth is now so popular that there are many types of toothpaste that aim to do just this. Unfortunately, because of laws that restrict the amount of whitening agent allowed in these, few people will notice much difference if they use these toothpastes, and only professional whitening treatments will manifest a real improvement.

If you want to improve the appearance of your teeth, this is one of the most straightforward ways to do so. It is an inexpensive treatment that produces results within just a week or two. You will be provided with trays which contain a whitening agent and these are worn over the teeth for a few hours each day. Results usually start to show after a week or so with full results after 2 weeks. The trays are made from accurate impressions of your teeth in order to minimise spillage and also for your comfort.

In cases where the teeth are too badly discoloured or have other damage such as visible cracks and chips, a teeth whitening treatment may not be appropriate. For patients in this situation, porcelain veneers are available. Whilst this treatment is more complex than a whitening procedure, veneers offer an excellent and long lasting solution to anyone who wants to have great looking teeth.

If you are thinking of improving how you look after your teeth in the new year or would like to discuss cosmetic dentistry for a more attractive smile, why not call us now to arrange a consultation with one of our experienced team?  You can reach our Bedford dental clinic today on 01234 819868.

In the meantime, a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all of our Bedford patients!