Hot Weather – Appropriate Dental Care

Hot Weather – Appropriate Dental Care

Taking care of your teeth during periods of hot weather.

Although high temperatures may seem quite rare in the UK, they do happen, and when they do, they can last for a few weeks at a time. Even during poor weather though, many UK citizens will be abroad on holiday during the summer months, often in warmer places.

Hot weather can be great fun, allowing us to live outdoors more, but, unless care is taken, it can also have a negative impact on our teeth and gums. In today’s blog, we offer advice to our Bedford dental patients who may be enjoying the warmer weather.


Making sure that you are well hydrated is not only important for your general health, but for your teeth and gums too.

Saliva is a natural mouth cleanser, helping to eliminate both food debris and oral bacteria. Whilst these bacteria are entirely natural, their numbers do need to be controlled. Unfortunately, in warm and dry environments, such as those provided by a dry mouth, they will multiply, potentially leading to gum health problems such as gingivitis and ultimately, even periodontitis.

Avoid sugary drinks

In relation to the above, it is worth noting that water is by far the best fluid to drink to rehydrate, and most definitely not sugary carbonated drinks. These are thought to be one of the main causes of tooth decay due to the combination of acids and high sugar content in them. Whilst we don’t wish to eliminate the occasional one as a treat, it is important to be aware of this issue and to use water as your main basis for rehydration.

Never be too tired to brush your teeth

After a long hot day in the sun, the last thing that many of us may want to do before bedtime is to brush our teeth. The temptation to flop into bed may be a strong one, but not cleaning your teeth, and especially in hot weather, is asking for trouble. All the sugars, acids and bacteria in the mouth will have free rein to damage your teeth and gums whilst you sleep if you do not clean them well. Brushing your teeth takes just a few minutes and should not be skipped, even when you don’t feel like it!

Beware excess alcohol

Whether abroad on holiday or at home in the garden with a barbeque, the likelihood is that, for many of us, alcohol is likely to flow. Aside from the fact that this will only serve to dehydrate you further unless you make sure to drink plenty of water too, the risk of accidents increases with alcohol consumption. If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from an accident where your teeth are affected, emergency dental appointments can be made at The Dental Centre Bedford. Please make sure to call us as soon in the day as you can to increase the chances of a same day appointment.

We hope that you enjoy the hot weather (while it lasts) and hope that you also take care to spend a few minutes each day taking care of your teeth and gums. Remember, regular dental checks should also play an important part of your general oral health care and appointments can be made at our Bedford practice by calling us on 01234 819868.