A Dental Christmas Quiz For 2022
What can you remember from our recent blogs?
As this will be the last blog of the year, we thought it would be a good time to have a little fun and to test your memory on the subjects that we have covered in this last year or so. We hope that you enjoy the quiz but also that it proves useful in reminding you of ways to help keep your teeth and gums in good health.
Our Bedford dental team has selected some questions for you and the answers are at the bottom of the page. No cheating now!
1 – Why might you need a root canal procedure?
2 – What type of filling is usually used for a root canal filling?
3 – What is ‘bruxism’ and how can it damage your teeth?
4 – Is it OK to miss dental appointments if you feel really nervous about them?
5 – When should you seek an emergency dental appointment?
6 – Other than aesthetically, how can orthodontic treatment benefit you?
7 – Is a teeth whitening procedure safe for everyone?
8 – What factor makes dental implants a stronger and more stable tooth replacement option than dentures?
9 – Which is more serious; gingivitis or periodontitis?
1 – A root canal procedure is usually carried out when the pulp in the root canals of the tooth become infected. This usually occurs when there is damage to the enamel, either in the form of tooth decay or if the enamel is cracked. This can allow bacteria to enter this part of the tooth in the area where the nerves are located. Because of this, it can often cause quite significant pain.
2 – Gutta Percha is used to fill a root canal treated tooth. This is due to its sealant capabilities which helps to prevent the tooth from becoming reinfected. The restoration is usually completed by attaching a crown to the top of the tooth.
3 – Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding. It is thought that this is often caused by stress and anxiety and often, though not always, occurs whilst we are asleep. This makes it very difficult to control and it can cause significant damage to your teeth. The most common problem is that the grinding together of the teeth can cause enamel wear with the likely consequence of sensitive teeth. It is not unknown for teeth to crack or even shatter in more severe cases. The dentist at The Dental Centre Bedford will be able to detect signs of this during your regular check ups and will be able to offer advice to help.
4 – The answer is ‘no’ . It is never OK to skip dental appointments except in an emergency (such as a family emergency), and even then you should rearrange the appointment. You may feel that you are the only person who feels like this but you definitely aren’t. Our dentists are experienced in treating nervous patients and will do all that they can to put you at ease.
5 – You should seek an emergency appointment whenever a sudden problem arises. This could be anything from a mildly uncomfortable tooth to severe pain. Even if there is no discomfort but some noticeable damage, such as a chipped or cracked tooth, you should contact us straight away. Please tell the receptionist the nature of the problem and they will make you an appointment to see the dentist as soon as possible.
6 – Orthodontics are used to straighten teeth which creates a more attractive smile. Straight teeth though, also tend to be healthier teeth. Not having teeth that press against each other or ones that overlap means that it is much easier to clean your teeth and this helps to prevent common issues such as tooth decay and gum disease.
7 – The popular teeth whitening procedure is safe for almost everyone. We always discuss your general health before going ahead with treatments like this and currently, teeth whitening is not recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, although the risks are considered small. If you want to have whiter teeth, there is every chance that you will be a suitable candidate if you don’t fall into these categories.
8 – Dentures, and for that matter dental bridges, replace the crown part of the tooth, but unlike dental implants, they don’t replace the root. An implant is, in effect, a replacement tooth root and it is that this provides the strength and stability that makes it an excellent choice for replacing a missing tooth, or teeth.
9 – Periodontitis is the more advanced form of gum disease and can affect not only the gums, but the bone into which the teeth are positioned. As the bone becomes infected it can deteriorate, causing the tooth to become wobbly and even fall out. This doesn’t mean that gingivitis doesn’t need treating though as, if ignored, it can eventually result in periodontitis.
We hope that you enjoyed this little quiz and that you are all looking forward to the Christmas festivities. Until the new year then, from the blog writers at The Dental Centre Bedford, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!