Root Canal Treatment – Frequently Asked Questions

Our Bedford Endodontist discusses some key questions about this often misunderstood procedure.
Two words which seem to strike fear in even the most confident dental patient is ‘root canal’. This procedure appears to have built up a mythology all of its own. This is unfortunate as it is a very effective way of saving a tooth when the root canals of the tooth have become infected, rather than extracting it.
Below we take a look at some of the most common questions we’ve been asked at The Dental Centre Bedford, regarding this procedure, over the years.
Q. Is it really painful?
This is by far the most common question, so we will try to answer it first.
Whilst it is an invasive procedure, there is no reason to believe that this should cause any more discomfort than any other. Unfortunately, rumours and myths spread fast and the root canal procedure seems to have suffered from this.
In all likelihood, these rumours stem back to a time before x-rays were commonly used to check for abscesses and the procedure certainly would be painful if progressed with an abscess present. Modern dental practices, including our own, now routinely check for abscesses before we start the procedure and should anything be detected, it will be treated before treatment starts. Naturally, the procedure is performed using a strong local anaesthetic to minimise any discomfort.
Q. Can’t I just have antibiotics?
Aside from the fact that medical and dental professionals have been asked to reduce the use of antibiotics due to them becoming less effective from overuse, antibiotics would do little more than offer a temporary solution. Even if it treated the infection successfully, it would almost certainly re-occur.
Q. Is there an alternative to a root canal procedure?
Unfortunately, the only alternative to a root canal procedure is to suffer from pain for a long time or to have the tooth extracted. Neither really offers a sensible solution, especially as a root canal procedure is very effective for helping you to keep your tooth.
Q. Is any special aftercare needed?
There is no need for any specific type of cleaning of a root treated, as might be the case with dentures or a bridge for example. In effect, you still have a natural tooth, albeit one which has had the soft pulp, including the nerves, removed and typically a crown placed on top. This does mean that the tooth will have no sensation so care should be taken when biting down on harder foodstuffs.
These are the most common questions that people ask us about root canal treatment, but we are more than happy to answer any other queries that our patients might have. We can be contacted at The Dental Centre Bedford on 01234 819868 or please use the form on the ‘contact us’ page of our website.